Clothing in Uzbekistan

Conservative western-style clothes are accepted in the capital cities and in large towns like Samarqand that see a lot of tourist traffic. But attitudes get more conservative the more remote and rural the locale. Uzbekistan is not a typical Muslim country but it is better to wear conservative clothing for sightseeing of Holy places.

Very light and loose clothing (preferably cotton or natural fibres) is recommended for daytime use, with a light jumper and/or casual jacket for the cooler evenings. Because of a large amount of sightseeing on foot in dry, dusty and sometimes rough areas (i.e. dirt, cobblestones, etc.), comfortable, solid walking shoes with strong soles and support are essential You may be required to remove your shoes on entry to some religious sites. There are no special clothing requirements for visiting Islamic religious sites, except that you should take care to cover most parts of your body including arms and legs. Above all travelers are encouraged to dress for comfort rather than fashion. Valuable jewellery and any clothing requiring special attention should be left at home. Due to very high danger of sunburn, your clothing should offer as much protection as possible. A hat with good shade protection and sunglasses are essential. In some areas the average visitor may appear extremely wealthy to local people. A lavish display of jewellery, bulging handbags and wallets and a neck full of cameras will make you stand out in a crowd. Be discreet, respectful of local culture and traditions and carry the minimum of valuables